Saturday, April 25, 2009

Friday, April 17, 2009

Bundle of Joy...

I think of a mother's delight when she brings her new bundle of joy into this world. I wonder what Susan was doing at the same moment that this new mother's eyes filled with tears and wonder if this new mother knew of the tears that her bundle of joy would bring to Susan's family as her "new bundle of joy" would become Susan's killer. I wonder what this person is doing at this very moment as I sit here typing thinking of him thinking of my sister and facing another sleepless night of running that night through my mind. Is he sleeping easy? What led this person down the path he took which eventually emerged with my sister's path and ended her life? How can one person, who is out there somewhere, who I don't even have a face for have so much control over my life? How does he live with himself? Does he have a sister as well? What we he do if his sister was taken by another "bundle of joy" like him?

Monday, April 6, 2009

Article in Today's Orlando Sentinel Featuring Susan's Case...

The following is a link to the article featuring Susan's Case which can be found in the local section of the Orlando Sentinel dated 4/6/09...,0,5981131.story

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